Sunday, November 11, 2018

Bohemian Rhapsody: Not Guaranteed to Blow Your Mind but Killer at Parts

     There’s no denying how much of an icon Freddie Mercury has become for the music industry. Queen is masterful when it came to creating some of the music memorable songs in history, so a movie about the band deserves to be excellent. The downside is Bohemian Rhapsody does miss the mark of it being one of the best biopics of this generation. Even with that though, there is a lot to enjoy about Bohemian Rhapsody as a retelling of Freddie Mercury’s life and as a big giant tribute to arguably the greatest rock band that ever exist.

     The film of course is an overview of Freddie Mercury’s career in the band Queen, from his early days of how he joined the band, to the concert days where Queen became a worldwide Phenomenon. It has the decency to include many of the important aspects of Freddie Mercury’s life, including the aspects that many feared would not be touched upon, however it does discuss things a bit out of order compared to how they actually occurred in real life. For anyone who is truly in the know, Mercury’s life didn’t played out like exactly how the film goes. That tends to be the case with most biopics though and but what really kind of makes this movie no as spectacular as it probably should have been is that in a way, it’s a standard biopic. It goes through all the basic elements of a biopic, showcasing the ups and downs of a person’s life but doesn’t tell it in a way that makes it especially interesting compared to other biopics out there. This comes across as concerning because as the film mentions itself, Queen was known for being innovative and revolutionary when it comes to their music and the fact that the film plays it kind of safe makes it feel like there was a missed opportunity. However, the film fortunately doesn’t forget going into decent detailed on what made Queen as iconic as a band and showcases the band’s influence very well through the filmmaking techniques and performances on screen. It doesn’t excel at it, but Bohemian Rhapsody does a decent albeit slightly disappointing job of showcasing Mercury’s life.

     What really hold the film together despite some of it’s lacking in narrative department are essentially two factors. The first is the film aesthetics, as the film does an excellent job with sound and visuals in terms of showcasing the feeling of being at a concert for the iconic band. Every concert sequence is filled with breathtaking moments that are creative when it comes to cinematography and editing. Visually it looks impressive how the musical moments show the creativity Queen has with their music and also are the moments where the film is the most stylistic as well. This film also needs to be seen with a good surround sound, because it helps when the film has many moments of actual concerts, the sound is a key factor to how this movie works and it sounds beautiful at points. They’re already some of the greatest songs in existence, so a film featuring some of these songs being played live sounds amazing and adds to the experience of actually watching Queen in concert. However, even with that in mind, the true element that brings this movie together is the performance of Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury. Malek is phenomenal in the role as he not only looks the part fairly well, but he also does an excellent job showcasing the mannerisms during both his personal life and the concert moments. He’s awesome when showing Mercury’s flamboyant side along with a lot of the great talent his has when it comes to being a live performer. The script may not be strong enough for Malek to get an Oscar win, but the performance is good enough for him to at least get a nomination.

     Bohemian Rhapsody isn’t the Oscar deserving biopic that maybe many were hoping for, but it’s a solid enough film especially for Queen Film that serves as a good attempt to showcasing one of the best bands that ever existed. It script could have taken more risks that could have made the story more authentic, but still treats the band with a ton of respect with some great visuals, mentioning about the important ideals that made Queen iconic and a great performance by Rami Malek. It is far to guarantee to blow your mind, but in regards to showcasing Queen and all of their glory, it’s pretty killer at points.

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