Saturday, May 19, 2018

Deadpool 2: Just as fun and possibly even crazier than the first

    If there is any character that has been somewhat of a game charger in terms of creating refreshing comic book movies, it’s definitely Deadpool. Deadpool first outing in 2016 was an incredibly entertaining one, and while not an absolute masterpiece, was still a fun tribute and parody of other comic book films and also paved the way for more R-rated blockbusters to become a thing again. With its sequel simply title Deadpool 2, it luckily recreates that magic of the first along with improving some of the faults the first movie had, making this sequel over-all, funnier, better crafted and just all around a more impressive movie that is a blast to watch.

     Deadpool 2 takes place shortly after the first, only this time he’s on a mission to prevent a child mutant from getting murdered by an assassin from the future named Cable. So it’s up to Deadpool to make sure not only the kid is safe, but also make sure the future is all fine and dandy for the world. Much like the first one, the plot isn’t anything too complicated but there is a lot more going on in this film compared to the first with more set pieces, characters and events alike, however it doesn’t quite feel too alienating from the first. Which does lead into a slight issue with the sequel is that, like many, it does feel like it’s going through the same motions as the first. There are numerous moments that while are entertaining and fun to watch, feels more or less like they’re trying to recreate the magic of the first one, which can feel a bit repetitive. At least, that’s what it feels like in the first half of the film, however once the second half comes in, the film picks up majorly. Not only are the jokes much more clever and fun in the second half, but it does legitimately feel like a bigger film in the second half, with a bigger budget and more exciting set pieces compared to the first. It goes way more over the top with its violence, swearing and over-all material that makes it an extreme movie, but it’s all in a way that creates for a crazy fun experience. It’s not subtle by any means, but luckily, it knows exactly the type of movie it is to the point where it doesn’t need to be and instead just gives the audience a good time.

    What adds to Deadpool’s excessive entertainment value is that it does have a very excellent cast. Ryan Reynolds again returns as the title character and he’s just as charismatic as ever. He’s made even better in a sense where it becomes arguably less obnoxious and even has his own character arch with him trying to prove himself to be a good guy and not just some anti-hero. He is also just as Meta as ever, breaking the fourth wall numerous times that create for some incredibly clever gags. Even when a joke goes on for too long, Reynolds still delivers it in a way that makes it charming and you can’t think of anyone else who could play as him. Another highlight is most definitely Josh Brolin as Cable, outside of him looking a little fake in some areas and the disappointing lack of Thanos jokes that could have been made, Brolin is an excellent straight man to Deadpool’s wackiness. He looks cool, sounds cool and is just an all-around badass that will satisfy Marvel fans big time. As mentioned earlier, the film does pick up during the second hour and one of the reasons is also newcomer Zazie Beetz as Domino who is introduced in the second half. This character is also a blast to watch with Beetz delivering a very funny performance and also like Cable is just an all-around bad-ass that is awesome to watch, especially during some of the major action set pieces. As for the rest of the cast, the returning characters of Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Colossus, while do not have a whole lot of screen time are also very serviceable in terms of making these characters alive and true to their comic book selves. This is also a film filled with various cameos and surprised appearances from both big time celebrities and major X-men characters, so much so that it would be disappointing to reveal here, but lets just say they add to the insanity and enjoyment that Deadpool 2 provides big time.

   While on the topic of insanity, it should be fair to mention that Deadpool 2 is massive, mostly in its second act. The director know how to make an action film that is as super violent as Deadpool is known for with his work on films like Atomic Blonde and the John Wick movies and given the bigger budget, Deadpool 2 definitely shows how this film utilizes its budget to create insane over the top violence and action. It’s bloody and extreme, which makes great for the bloodthirsty action lovers who definitely would dig this sequel. And even taking the gore out of it, the action is still super impressive, with some great cinematography, excellent stunt work and even some decent CGI at points. The highlight easily being a big chase scene that goes all throughout the city which creates for an exhilarating moment and easily the best the Deadpool movies has offered to us so far in terms of action. Where the first movie definitely felt like a cheaper film compared to your average Marvel movie, this movie has much more of a budget and it proves that the studio spent it’s budget well with creating a more action packed and exciting film with Deadpool 2. It’d be hard to be an action fan and have some sort of appreciation for all the action Deadpool 2 throws at the screen.
     Deadpool 2 while not a 100% improvement of the first definitely improves on the first big time and is an all-around entertaining film to watch.  It may not break the mold of ingenious moves of the R-rated Superhero movie trend like Logan, however Deadpool 2 does prove yet again that having these current films go all the way with an R-rating was the best decision Fox ever made for their X-men property. With all of its great action, lovable characters and clever script, it’d be hard to be a fan of the first one and not find a little bit enjoyment in this sequel at all.

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